Six ways to increase recycling in your community

We all know the importance of recycling and the positive impact it has on creating a more sustainable
environment. We can all do more to improve the rate at which people recycle, however, sometimes we just
don’t know what we can do as individuals or as communities to make it easier for everyone to recycle
According to WRAP UK, every year people in the UK throw away over 350,000 tonnes of clothing.
Choice Textiles are proud that less than 1% or everything we collect ends up in landfill; and to help
others in their recycling efforts we have created our list of top six ways to increase recycling in your

Add More Recycling Bins in Public Spaces

Encourage your local council to enhance your city or town’s waste service by adding a recycling option at
the point of disposal in your parks, on your pavements, or at your transportation stops. Simply placing a
recycling bin next to a regular bin encourages people to properly dispose of their recyclable waste.

a donation cloth bin, with a thank you on top

Educate the Community

Use social media or a website to promote recycling programs and increase participation; share valuable
information with local residents and businesses about acceptable recyclable materials; and provide
contact information for recycling questions or about delayed/missed pick ups.

Communicate: Goals and Benefits

Set recycling goals, report on recycling achievements and the benefits the achievements bring to local
residents and businesses.

Focus on Schools

Young people are often the biggest change agents. Educating children about recycling from an early age
will encourage recycling behavior throughout their lives.

Kids in a school pay attention to a man talking about recycling
picture by Montgomery County’s Department of Environmental Protection’s Division of Solid Waste Services

Create Community Drop off Locations or Events

Host local recycling festivals, beach or park clean ups, where residents can bring items for recycling.
Make sure the sites and events are promoted and easily accessible.

Engage New Homeowners

Distribute welcome packets that detail the local community’s recycling programs and encourage
participation and recycling behavior from day one in their new community.

If you run a charity shop or community organization and need help managing overflow items, please get
in touch with Choice Textiles.

Tel: 020 8965 6699