Charity Retail Association (CRA)
For more than 12 years Choice Textile has been an active and supportive platinum member of the Charity Retail Association, the main voice of the charity retail sector. Over this time Choice has invested heavily as a main sponsor of the annual CRA conference and, in addition, provided financial support to a substantial number of smaller charities enabling them to attend the conference.
Textile Recycling Association (TRA)
Choice has been an active member of the Textile Recycling Association, an association for collectors, sorters, processors and exporters of used clothing and textiles. Choice is part of a significant force creating a favourable climate within which partners can operate to advantage, whilst highlighting the major environmental, social and economic benefits that the industry brings both here in the UK and in other parts of the world.
Textiles 2030 is a ground-breaking, expert-led initiative, harnessing the knowledge and expertise of UK leaders in sustainability to accelerate the fashion and textiles industry’s move towards circularity and systemic change in the UK. Taking action to transform the way the fashion and textiles industry buys, uses and re-uses textiles and clothing, Choice is part of the movement of transformational change. Aiming to reduce the aggregate greenhouse gas footprint of products sufficient to limit global warming to 1.5°C (40-50%) and reduce the aggregate water footprint of new products sold by 30%.
Trader Recycling Universal Standard (TRUST)
We have worked with the CPA to help develop their new TRUST certification aimed at increasing recycling standards within the sector. In every area Choice continues to play an active role in supporting, improving and delivering appropriate standards within the industry; we act continuously to ensure that we adhere to health and safety procedures and are fully compliant with all legislation to encourage recycling and protection of the environment